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Book/Tech Mobile ImageThe CPRL Book/Tech Mobile is moving around Craven and Pamlico Counties. Here are upcoming stops. You can check out books, use our free wifi, checkout a chrome book to type up a document and learn about programs happening at your nearby public library. Learn all of the ways you can use your library card besides checking out books.

To request the Book/Tech Mobile for your special community event, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 252-638-7804.

Please click on an event to see more information

Havelock Events: Green
/ Cove City Events: Orange / Pamlico Events: Blue / New Bern Events: Red / Vanceboro Events: Purple / Hollowell Events: Light Blue

Cove City Events

New Bern Events

Havelcok Events

Pamlico Events

Vanceboro Events

Regional Events

NC Live
Universal Class