Policies approved by the CP Regional Library Board of Trustees
Patron Conduct Policy
Patrons are required to abide by these established conduct rules as approved by the CP Regional Library Board of Trustees on August 12, 2014.
Engage in activities associated with the use of a public library. Patrons not reading, studying, or using library materials may be required to leave the building.
Steal, deface, or mark any items on the library premises. [Injury to Real Property (NC GS§14-127), and Defacing Public Building (NC GS §14-132).]
Harass or annoy others; engage in noisy or boisterous activities, or stare at or follow another person with the intent to annoy that person. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or §14-132).]
Consume food or beverages within the building, unless provided during library sponsored events.
Smoke, or use tobacco products within the building. [Intoxicated and Disruptive Conduct (NC GS § 14-444)]
Carry or brandish weapons on the library premises. [Carrying a concealed weapon or dangerous weapon (NC GS §14-269 & §
Use library business telephones.
Leave children under 10 years of age unattended by a responsible adult on library premises. This includes leaving any child or young adult (under 18) in the library after closing time. Unruly children and their responsible adult may be asked to leave the Library. Persons of any age with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities which affect decision-making skills or render supervision necessary must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at all times. SEE ALSO: Safe Child Policy.
Use obscene, profane, suggestive, or abusive language or behavior. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or 14-132).]
Interfere with employees’ performance of their duties. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or 14-132).]
Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the library premises. [Intoxicated and Disruptive Conduct (NC GS §14-444).]
Play audio/video equipment or operate computers or personal devices, including cell phones, so that others can hear them. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or 14-132).]
Misuse restrooms. [Disorderly Conduct in and injuries to public buildings and facilities (NC GS § 14-132).]
Loiter or solicit others on library premises.
Engage in any illegal activity or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or Local law, ordinance, or regulation while on the library premises. Communication of threats, physical violence, or sexual offenses may result in permanent expulsion. [Prostitution or Loitering for Prostitution (NC GS § 14-204 or 14-204.1).]
Enter the library buildings without a shirt or shoes.
Use furniture in an inappropriate manner. This includes sitting on tables, putting feet on tables and chair seats, lying on couches, or rearranging library furniture, etc. [Willful and wanton injury to real property (NC GS § 14-127).]
Failure to comply with the Library’s established rules and regulations may result in expulsion for the day, permanently, or subject to arrest. Persons refusing to leave when asked are subject to arrest under the North Carolina Trespass Laws (NC GS § 14-159.12 and 14-159.13).
Safe Child Policy
Adopted August 12, 2014
The libraries of Craven-Pamlico Regional Library welcome children of all ages to use library materials and services. It is one of our highest priorities to encourage children to develop a love of reading and learning. We all want each child to have a positive experience each time he or she visits the library.
It is our goal to provide a welcoming, stimulating, and safe environment for all library patrons. The libraries are, however, public buildings that anyone can enter and leave without being observed by library staff. Library employees cannot monitor the safety, behavior, or whereabouts of all people using the library. The library does not serve in the capacity of providing daycare for unattended children. It is ultimately the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to ensure the safety of their children both within the library building and on library grounds.
Procedures: Hours Open
Children under 10 years old must be in the presence of a parent or responsible caregiver at all times unless they are attending a library sponsored program, in which case the parent or caregiver must remain in the library building for the duration of the library program. The parent or caregiver is expected to supervise the child and ensure that the child’s behavior is not disturbing the program or other library patrons.
Children 10 years old and older may be present in the library unaccompanied by a parent or caregiver. The child must have emergency contact information for his or her parent or caregiver at all times. Unaccompanied children are required to abide by the CPCRL Patron Conduct Policy, and may be asked to leave the library if their behavior is not acceptable after reasonable warning by library employees.
Persons of any age with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities which affect decision-making skills or render supervision necessary must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at all times.
Procedures: Child Safety
If it is determined that a child is lost or left unattended, the library staff will take appropriate steps to locate the parent or caregiver. A staff member will stay with the child until the parent or caregiver is located.
- When a staff member finds a young child alone in the library, he or she should determine the child’s age and ask the child who accompanied him/her to the library. If the child is younger than 10 years old, the staff member should attempt to locate the parent or caregiver in the immediate area and, upon finding the individual, explain our policy, stressing our concern for child safety.
- If the child has come with older siblings or other children who seem unable to monitor the behavior of the youngest child, the staff member should refer these children to senior staff members.
- The Children’s Librarian or senior staff member will determine if the older children need assistance in monitoring the young child, and, if so, ask the children to call an adult or ask the children who have walked to return home. A letter should be sent to the parents explaining why the children were asked to leave, stressing that the children are welcome when they are accompanied by an adult or responsible caregiver.
- If the parent or caregiver is not easily found, the child will be escorted to the Children’s Services office or circulation desk. Library staff members will:
- Designate a place for the child to wait or take the child with them as they search for the adult/caregiver in the area where the child thinks the individual may be.
- Search the entire building and call for the individual. When the individual is found, he/she should be informed of our policy, stressing our concern for the child’s safety.
- If it is determined that the parent/caregiver is not in the building, a senior staff member will attempt to call the child’s home.
- If the parent or caregiver is contacted, he/she should be informed of our policy and be asked to come be with the child.
- If the parent or caregiver is not able to be contacted, the child will remain in the designated area until an adult arrives; at which time the procedures for “Unattended Child/Minor at Closing” should be followed. If a parent/caregiver arrives, he/she should be informed of our policy, stressing child safety.
Procedures: Unattended Children at Closing
- When a library employee observes unattended children/minors on the library premises at the 15 minute warning before closing time, they should encourage the child to be sure transportation has been arranged.
- When a child is left unattended after the library has closed and is sure someone is coming, at least one library employee will wait with the child for 15 minutes.
- If no parent or caregiver is located within 15 minutes the library employee should record the child’s name, parent’s name, address and phone number. The local police should be contacted to take custody of the child. The library employee will remain with the child until the police arrive. Library employees will never provide transportation for any child after closing.
- It may be necessary to post a notice at the front entrance to the library informing anyone looking for the child that he/she has been placed in the care of the local police.
- The following day it is the responsibility of the person in charge for the previous night to file an incident report with the librarian. A letter will be sent to the parents or caregiver explaining our policy and procedures concerning children and minors.
Procedures: Disruptive Behavior
The CPRL Patron Conduct Policy applies to all patrons, regardless of age.
Computer and Internet Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define appropriate use of the technology resources at Craven-Pamlico Regional Library locations by Library users and includes technology and resources accessed with equipment in the Library, loaned by the Library and/or via the Library’s wireless internet connection. This policy is to be used in conjunction with the Library’s Patron Conduct Policy, other Library policies, and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations concerning use of property and computing resources. Use of Library public computers or wireless connection constitutes acceptance of this Computer and Internet Use Policy. This policy extends to the off-site use of Internet capable devices and portable wireless Internet connection (i.e., hotspot devices) provided by the Library.
The Internet, as an information resource, enables the Library to provide access to information, ideas, and commentary from around the globe. It offers access to material that is personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages. It also enables access to some material that may be offensive, disturbing, and/or illegal. Additionally, not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, unbiased, or current information.
CPRL does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. Library users access the Internet at their own discretion, and they are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet. Any injury or damages incurred by users of Library Internet stations or the Library’s connection to the Internet are the sole responsibility of the user.
The Library operates a technology protection measure (Internet filter) to protect against visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554]. Library staff members are authorized to disable the technology protection measure to enable access for adults doing actual research or for other lawful purposes. Internet users may request that specific web sites be blocked or unblocked. Internet users should be aware that no technology protection measure is one hundred percent effective.
The Library’s wireless network is offered as an unsecured (i.e., no password needed), publicly available network for Library patrons to use with their own personal devices or Library-owned devices. Misuse of this network may result in device blocking. Use of the Library’s wired or wireless network is entirely at the risk of the user.
2The Library encourages all users to be responsible and considerate citizens in their use of the Internet in this public setting.
By using the Library’s Internet-accessible computers and devices and wireless technology all users agree to this policy and the following guidelines and rules:
●Internet use for minors: Anyone aged 13 but under 18 years must sign the Computer & Internet Use Agreement, have a parent or guardian sign an Internet Parental Permission Agreement, and present a valid Library card with an Internet sticker at each computer session. Children under 13 years old must have an adult present at the computer workstation during each computer session.
●Patrons must adhere to any posted time limits and regulations. Library computers are generally available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations for computer use may be required. The Library reserves the right to place a time limit on computer use to ensure fair computer usage. A current Library card may be required to utilize CPRL equipment to access the Internet within the Library building.
●Internet users may not send, receive, or display inappropriate material or material considered obscene under North Carolina or federal law.
●No more than two persons will be allowed to work together at one computer.
●Computer users and patrons utilizing wireless printing or Email-to-Print agree to pay printing fees.
●All users must take care to protect their personal information and safety when using social networking sites, e-mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications. CPRL is not responsible for any personal information that patrons divulge while using the Internet. To protect their privacy, patrons are advised to log out of any websites or services which might divulge personal information to others. Patrons are further advised not to leave any personal documents or files on Library computers or devices. The Library does not guarantee privacy of any Internet sessions, nor is it responsible for the security of information transmitted and received during any Internet sessions.
●Data, files, documents, or other material may be temporarily downloaded to public access computers and will be erased from the hard drive when a user exits the session and the computer restarts. The installation of programs, apps, plugins, utilities, etc., is prohibited.
●Library computers have software installed to manage user sessions, install updates, perform antivirus scans on a regular schedule, and other computer management functions and will restart or shutdown the computer automatically on a schedule or as needed.3
●Internet users may not engage in illegal activity; unauthorized access (“hacking”); unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors; and software piracy and violation of copyright or license agreements.
●Users may not alter computer hardware or software except as permitted by security protocols in place on the computer. Any damage to hardware or software will be the liability of the user and will be repaired at their expense. This includes damage by children accompanying a computer user.
●Patrons may not connect any personal devices to the Library’s wired “Ethernet” network.
●Users may not play sounds aloud that might be disruptive to others. Personal headphones are recommended.
●Computer users may use personal memory devices to save or download files, but at their own risk. The Library is not responsible for personal memory devices left behind in the Library, or for the information contained on such devices, or for personal information saved to Library computers.
●The Library is not responsible for items left behind by users at computer stations or attached to Library computers or devices.
●The number of computers available may reflect social distancing guidelines during pandemics or other crises.
●Reasonable effort will be made to provide access to the public to computers and the Internet on a regular schedule; however, the Library cannot guarantee that service will run uninterrupted or trouble-free.
●Patrons may be granted extended computer time for certain uses at the discretion of the branch manager or Librarian for users who request it in advance. This is designed for those engaged in educational or employment pursuits.
●Library staff may provide limited assistance in using the Internet and other programs, but the Library is not responsible for extensive instruction. Staff will be available to offer searching suggestions and to help patrons locate additional information on using the Internet from among Library resources. Patrons who do not have experience with computers or who have never used the Internet are advised to contact Library staff for availability of instructional sessions. Library staff reserves the right to educate about, supervise, and monitor appropriate use of the Library’s computers.
●Library staff may be unable to provide in-person assistance while observing social distancing or other protective measures as set by local, state, or federal mandate.
●Users are responsible for properly configuring their personal devices to connect to the Library’s wireless network. Library staff will give general information but are in no way responsible for connecting a user’s device to the wireless network.
●Misuse of the computers or the library’s Internet connection may result in the loss of the patron’s Internet privileges for one year to be determined by the Librarian.
Registration of Patrons
Adopted March 18, 2014
The public libraries that comprise the Craven-Pamlico Regional Library are supported primarily by taxes paid by property owners of the three counties. The libraries have a responsibility to protect the taxpayer’s investment in the collections of the libraries; therefore current and valid identification is required to obtain a library card.
Library cards are free, although there is a small charge to replace lost cards. Library cards are provided to individuals who present photo identification and verification of address. As a courtesy to members of the Armed Services and their families we will accept their Military Identification and Military Dependent Identification.
A parent or guardian must assume responsibility for materials borrowed by a person under 18 years of age; therefore it is the adult’s identification that is required for registration of a minor.
A valid CP Regional library card is required and must be presented to check out materials at all library locations. Library card holders, or patrons, are responsible for:
• Materials checked out with their card
• Lost or damaged materials
• Materials returned late
• Lost library card.
Library card registration information is updated every three years from the date of first issue to assist in maintaining accurate patron records. Patrons are responsible for notifying the library should there be a change of address, name, phone number, etc.
Demographic information may be gathered in order to plan library services. This information will be used in the aggregate (no identifying information is compiled or reported) and is not stored or disclosed in any way that would identify the person registering.
State and federal rules and laws pertaining to confidentiality of records and privacy protect information provided on the registration form. See also: North Carolina General Statutes §125-18 and §125-19 and CPCRL Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records.
Article 3. Library Records.
§ 125-18. Definitions.
As used in this Article, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) “Library” means a library established by the State; a county, city, township, village, school district, or other local units of governments and authorities; community college or university; or any private library open to the public.
(2) “Library record” means a document, record, or other method of storing information retained by a library that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific information or materials from a library. “Library record” does not include nonidentifying material that may be retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the circulation of library materials in general. (§1985, c. 486, s.2.)
§ 125-19. Confidentiality of library user records.
(a) Disclosure. – A library shall not disclose any library record that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials, information, or services, or as otherwise having used the library, except as provided for in subsection (b).
(b) Exceptions.- Library records may be disclosed in the following instances:
(1) When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;
(2) Upon written consent of the user; or
(3) Pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by law. (1985, c. 486, s.2.)
Adopted by the CPC Regional Library Board of Trustees on April 24, 1989.
“The Council of the American Library Association strongly recommends that the responsible officers of each library in the United States:
Formally adopt a policy which specifically recognizes its circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users to be confidential in nature.
Advise all librarians and library employees that such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant t, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.
Resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.**
*Note: See also ALA POLICY MANUAL 54.15- CODE OF ETHICS point #3, “Librarians must protect each user’s right to privacy with respect to information sought or received, and materials consulted, borrowed, or acquired.”
**Note: Point 3, above, means that upon receipt of such process, order, or subpoena, the library’s officers will consult with their legal counsel to determine is such process, order, or subpoena is in proper form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance; if the process, order, or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, they will insist that such defects be cured.
Adopted January 20, 1971; revised July 4, 1975, by the ALA Council.
See reserve side [below] for suggested procedures for implementation.
[ISBN 83389-6082-0]
1. The library staff member receiving the request to examine or obtain information relating to circulation or registration records will immediately refer the person making the request to the responsible officer of the institution, who shall explain the confidentiality policy.
2. The director, upon receipt of such process, order, or subpoena, shall consult with the appropriate legal officer assigned to the institution to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is in good form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance.
3. If the process, order, or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, insistence shall be made that such defects be cured before any records are released. (The legal process requiring the production of circulation records shall ordinarily be in the form of subpoena “duces tecum” [bring your records] requiring the responsible officer to attend court or the taking of his/her deposition and may require him/her to bring along certain designated circulation records.)
4. Any threats or unauthorized demands (i.e., those not supported by a process, order, or subpoena) concerning circulation or registration records shall be reported to the appropriate legal officer of the institution.
5. Any problems relating to the privacy of circulation and registration records which are not provided for above shall be referred to the responsible officer.
Adopted by the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, January 9, 1983.
Fines and Fees
Schedule of Overdue Fines | |
Material | Fine |
Books | $.20/day |
Audios/CDs/MPs | $.50/day |
Videos/DVDs | $1.00/day |
Interlibrary Loans | $1.00/day |
Equipment | $5.00/day |
Attempts are made to notify library patrons of overdue materials according to the following schedule:
Replacement Costs of Materials: Materials lost or damaged beyond further use must be paid for by the patron. If the price of the material is not indicated library staff should consult resources like Amazon.com, Alibris.com, Baker & Taylor, or a comparable title in the collection, for retail pricing information. Replacement copies can be negotiated with the managing librarian. No processing or re-stocking fees are charged. Overdue fees are not charged if materials are paid for. |
Additional Fees |
Library Card Replacement | First one free; $3.00 for any additional replacements |
Proctoring Tests (some libraries) | $20.00 per test |
Rental fee for Fiction DVDs and Videos | $1.00 per week |
Notary Public (some libraries) | $10.00 |
Torn pages in books | $1.00 a page; if more than 5 pages book must be replaced |
Torn book jacket or book cover | $1.00 |
Torn book pocket | $1.00 |
Writing or drawing in book | $1.00 a page; if more than 5 pages book must be replaced |
Lost or damaged audio book, single cassette | $10.00; obsolete format |
Lost of damaged audio book cassette case | No longer charging for these. Obsolete format |
Lost or damaged music or audio book, single CD | $10.00 |
Lost or damaged book CD case | Small (up to 12 CDs) - $6.00 Large (up to 24 CDs) - $8.00 |
Los or damaged music CD case | $2.00 |
Lost or damaged video/DVD case | $2.00 |
Patrons returning materials soiled or damaged may be charged additional fees depending on the extent of the damage. Suspension of Library Privileges A library patron’s borrowing privileges are suspended if he/she has overdue materials, or if he/she owes more than $50.00 in overdue fines. |
Gifts and Donations
The Craven-Pamlico Regional Library (CPRL) welcomes gifts and donations to its member libraries. These donations are tax deductible because CPRL is a government entity and the donations are used by the libraries for the public good.
Monetary gifts, bequests, and memorial or honorary contributions are particularly welcome. Funds donated will be used to purchase items in accordance with the selection policy of the library. Books, videos, and other materials purchased with bequests and memorial or honorary contributions will be identified with special donor plates whenever possible. If requested, notification of memorial or honorary contributions will be sent to the family of the person being recognized. (See: Memorial and Honorary Contribution Form)
Donations of new and used books, audio recordings, videos, and similar materials will be added to the collection in accordance with the selection policy of the library. Once donated, items become the property of the Craven-Pamlico Regional Library, and may be given to other libraries and non-profit agencies, sold, traded, or discarded if they are not added to the collection. Donated items will not be returned to the donor and the library will not accept any item that is not an outright gift. The library also reserves the right to decide when a gift added to the collection must be withdrawn. The library will not accept any gifts it considers inappropriate.
The library can acknowledge receipt of donated items but is unable to set fair market or appraisal values. It is recommended that the donor make a list of items donated. If items are being donated to obtain a tax benefit, it is the donor’s responsibility to establish fair market value or obtain expert assistance in establishing any value.
Acceptance of donations of equipment, real estate, stock, artifacts, works of art, special collections, etc., will be determined by the Regional Library Board or local board as appropriate based on their suitability to the purpose and needs of the library, laws and regulations that govern the ownership of the gift, and the library’s ability to cover insurance and maintenance costs associated with the donation.
Several of the member libraries may develop special fundraising “Adopt-a-Book” or “Sponsor a Book” programs. The New Bern-Craven County Public Library Development Fund, Inc. also accepts Corporate Matching Gifts and bequests; this is a non-profit organization established in 1987 to expand library resources for residents in and around New Bern and Craven County. For more information on these special programs contact the individual library.
External Links Policy
CP Regional Library websites includes links to external websites based on their usability and suitability for our users. Links should reflect the mission of the CP Regional Library “to acquire, organize and provide ready access to a variety of resources and services that help fulfill the informational, educational and recreational needs of the citizens of Craven and Pamlico Counties.”
The addition of a link to an external website does not reflect an endorsement by the CP Regional Library for any product, service, policy, or opinion. The CP Regional Library is not responsible for the content of external websites, including those databases to which the Library subscribes.
Preferred criteria for linking include official government, public education, or non-profit organization websites. For-profit websites that sell products and services are generally not included, even if those sites offer relevant information.
Linking to an external website is made at the discretion of the staff of the CP Regional Library. The Library reserves the right to remove any link at any time without notice or cause.
Appeals of any initial determination by CP staff may be appealed to the local library board with all final appeals to be determined by the CP Regional Library Board.

Each CPRL patron is being asked to limit their checkouts of new books to 5 at a time per category. Additionally, each patron is also asked to place no more than 5 holds at a time on new books per category. For example, a patron may checkout 5 books in new adult fiction, 5 in new young adult and 5 in new easy books.
While we know this will be an adjustment for some current users, we believe it will allow us to offer a better service for the greatest number of users and will provide shorter wait times and broader access to our books for everyone. Therefore, CPRL will begin applying a 5 book limit on “new books” onMonday, October 31st.
Don’t forget that you can always return early. As soon as you return an item you can check out a new one.
For comments or concerns email