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26 Oct
Story Blocks
Date Sat October 26 10:30 am
26 Oct
Blockheads: Building Blocks Group
Sat October 26 1:00 pm
26 Oct
Quilling with Claire
Sat October 26 1:00 pm
28 Oct
Trivia Night
Mon October 28 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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Featured Events >

26 Oct
Story Blocks
Date Sat October 26 10:30 am
26 Oct
Blockheads: Building Blocks Group
Sat October 26 1:00 pm
26 Oct
Quilling with Claire
Sat October 26 1:00 pm
28 Oct
Trivia Night
Mon October 28 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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Adult Game Day

Upcoming Events @ Your Public Library
Havelock Events
October 7, 2024 10:30 am


Come and enjoy the original rummy tile game - Rummikub. Please call the Havelock Library at 252-447-7509 for details.
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