Patron Conduct Policy


Patrons are required to abide by these established conduct rules as approved by the CP Regional Library Board of Trustees on August 12, 2014.

Engage in activities associated with the use of a public library. Patrons not reading, studying, or using library materials may be required to leave the building.

Steal, deface, or mark any items on the library premises. [Injury to Real Property (NC GS§14-127), and Defacing Public Building (NC GS §14-132).]

Harass or annoy others; engage in noisy or boisterous activities, or stare at or follow another person with the intent to annoy that person. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or §14-132).]

Consume food or beverages within the building, unless provided during library sponsored events.

Smoke, or use tobacco products within the building. [Intoxicated and Disruptive Conduct (NC GS § 14-444)]

Carry or brandish weapons on the library premises. [Carrying a concealed weapon or dangerous weapon (NC GS §14-269 & §

Use library business telephones.

Leave children under 10 years of age unattended by a responsible adult on library premises. This includes leaving any child or young adult (under 18) in the library after closing time. Unruly children and their responsible adult may be asked to leave the Library. Persons of any age with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities which affect decision-making skills or render supervision necessary must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at all times. SEE ALSO: Safe Child Policy.

Use obscene, profane, suggestive, or abusive language or behavior. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or 14-132).]

Interfere with employees’ performance of their duties. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or 14-132).]

Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the library premises. [Intoxicated and Disruptive Conduct (NC GS §14-444).]

Play audio/video equipment or operate computers or personal devices, including cell phones, so that others can hear them. [Disorderly Conduct (NC GS §14-288.4 or 14-132).]

Misuse restrooms. [Disorderly Conduct in and injuries to public buildings and facilities (NC GS § 14-132).]

Loiter or solicit others on library premises.

Engage in any illegal activity or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or Local law, ordinance, or regulation while on the library premises. Communication of threats, physical violence, or sexual offenses may result in permanent expulsion. [Prostitution or Loitering for Prostitution (NC GS § 14-204 or 14-204.1).]

Enter the library buildings without a shirt or shoes.

Use furniture in an inappropriate manner. This includes sitting on tables, putting feet on tables and chair seats, lying on couches, or rearranging library furniture, etc. [Willful and wanton injury to real property (NC GS § 14-127).]

Failure to comply with the Library’s established rules and regulations may result in expulsion for the day, permanently, or subject to arrest. Persons refusing to leave when asked are subject to arrest under the North Carolina Trespass Laws (NC GS § 14-159.12 and 14-159.13).