Stop Motion Contest Header stop-mo·tion /stäp ˈmōSHən/
a cinematographic technique that makes inanimate objects appear to move on their own.

To make a stop motion video take a picture of a still object, move it just a little bit and then take another picture. Keep repeating this process and then play back the pictures rapidly and the objects appear to move.

Join us and make your own Stop Motion video!

First pick a topic:
  • Adventure in your library
  • Adventure with your reading buddy
  • Literary themed adventure
  1. Create an original stop motion video (no more than 60 seconds)
  2. Your stop motion video must use a physical object moved in small increments and photographed at every step. Use blocks, claymation, cut-outs, puppets, or even your reading buddy.
  3. Agree to give permission for CPRL to use the video and screenshots of video in the library, library advertising, library website and our social media.
Prizes will be awarded for stop motion videos submitted by a group and an individual.

Submit your stop motion video here:

Please enter your information and video below.  Entries must be received by midnight Monday, July 15 2024. Winners will be announced by Wednesday, July 31.


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Download your Stop Motion Video below or email your video here.
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I agree to give permission for CPRL to use video and screenshots of video in library, library advertising, website, and social media.
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