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21 Oct
The Vanceboro Ramblers
Date Mon October 21 10:30 am
21 Oct
Nature Journaling
Mon October 21 11:00 am
21 Oct
21 Oct
Dungeons & Dragons “Hancock Street Campaign”
Mon October 21 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm

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Featured Events >

21 Oct
The Vanceboro Ramblers
Date Mon October 21 10:30 am
21 Oct
Nature Journaling
Mon October 21 11:00 am
21 Oct
21 Oct
Dungeons & Dragons “Hancock Street Campaign”
Mon October 21 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm

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Truck or Treat at Tuscarora Landfill

Upcoming Events @ Your Public Library
Cove City Events
October 26, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Look for the Book/Tech Mobile at Tuscarora Landfill for Coastal Environmental Partnership’s Truck or Treat! Come check out our FREE resources, get a FREE library card, do some fun crafts and get lots of candy! We’ll see you there!

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