FOL Meeting & Living Wax Museum Presentation
Upcoming Events @ Your Public Library
Join the Friends of the Cove City Library for their regular meeting and join in the fun of the Living Wax Museum Presentation!
Due to popular demand, the Cove City Library brought back their Living Wax Museum program presented by kids! Kids learn about a famous inventor, sports figure, doctor, actor, etc.
Join our presenters and their families as they showcase their "person" for our Spring Friends of the Library Meeting. Please call the Cove City Library for details at 252-638-6363.
Due to popular demand, the Cove City Library brought back their Living Wax Museum program presented by kids! Kids learn about a famous inventor, sports figure, doctor, actor, etc.
Join our presenters and their families as they showcase their "person" for our Spring Friends of the Library Meeting. Please call the Cove City Library for details at 252-638-6363.