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Living Wax Museum Research Day

Upcoming Events @ Your Public Library
Cove City Events
February 25, 2025 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm


Due to popular demand, the Cove City Library will be bringing back the Living Wax Museum presented by very own kids!  This would be a great way for your child (2nd grade and up) to learn about a famous inventor, sports figure, doctor, actor, etc.  We would love for your family to participate and showcase their "person" for our Spring Friends of the Library Meeting.  Below is a timeline of events.  Please register to participate in this program by calling the library at 252-638-6363 or stopping by.   

February 10-14 – Stop by any time to pick up your information packet and choose your person! 

February 25, Tuesday, 5:00-5:45 pm (optional) - Research Day 

March 6 – Presentation at our Friends of the Library Meeting 


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