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21 Oct
The Vanceboro Ramblers
Date Mon October 21 10:30 am
21 Oct
Nature Journaling
Mon October 21 11:00 am
21 Oct
21 Oct
Dungeons & Dragons “Hancock Street Campaign”
Mon October 21 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm

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Featured Events >

21 Oct
The Vanceboro Ramblers
Date Mon October 21 10:30 am
21 Oct
Nature Journaling
Mon October 21 11:00 am
21 Oct
21 Oct
Dungeons & Dragons “Hancock Street Campaign”
Mon October 21 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm

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Trendy Reads Book Club

Upcoming Events @ Your Public Library
Pamlico Events
November 27, 2024 5:00 pm


Looking for a fun discussion about popular reads? Look no further! Our new Trendy Book Club is perfect for casual readers, those looking for something new, or those of us who are trying to get back into reading.

November Selection: TBA 


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